
The Happy Prince

「Does he love me helbling readers」の画像検索結果      This time, I read The Happy Prince. The main two characters of this story are the statue of the prince which is covered with the gold and has two rare sapphires and the swallow. the statue called "Happy Prince" wanted to make poor people happy. However, he cannot move himself. Then, he asked the swallow to bring his jewelries and gold to poor people. The swallow didn't want to stay with the happy Prince at first, because there was too cold for him.  However, the swallow decided to stay with the Happy Prince in exchange for his......

     After reading the story, I felt so sad. At the same time, this story made me think about what true happiness is. The Happy prince was happy to make poor people happy, even though he lost his shining in exchange for that. I want to deepen my thought about happiness.