
Chicken Licken

Chicken Licken 

Retold by Russell Punter
Illustrated by Ann Kkronhemier

"The sky is falling!" Cries Chicken Licken.Soon every animal in the farmyard is rushing to warn the King.Even sly Foxy Rory wants to help Or does he...?

There were 7 characters in this story and all of heir names are interesting!
Chicken Licken, Henry Penny, Cocky Locly and so on. Those made in ryme.
Also, this story was so cute.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Don't forget to use quotation formatting!

  2. "The sky is falling!" Cries Chicken Licken.Soon every animal in the farmyard is rushing to warn the King.Even sly Foxy Rory wants to help Or does he...?

    "The sky is falling!" cries Chicken Licken. Soon every animal in the farmyard is rushing to warn the King. Even sly Foxy Rory wants to help. Or does he...?

    And don't forget to copy accurately!
